KSD coordinates with our student's district regarding transportation to and from school for both day students and dorm students. If you have any concerns, please contact rick.westerfield@ksd.kyschools.us to work them out.
Inclement Weather:
If/when there is inclement weather and the school district in your home area has decided to pick KSD
students up early, it is up to that school district to notify parents of the change. If you have questions
about transportation, you should always check with your local school district first.
Extra-curricular Activities:
If there are weekend activities planned and they are canceled, KSD will notify the district and parents
that students will be returning home for the weekend.
Prior to the start of school, please contact your local school district to touch base regarding the
transportation needs of your student(s), and ensure that arrangements are made, especially for the first
week of school. All transportation arrangements MUST be made between you and the district that
transports your child / children. KSD cannot make transportation arrangements for any student, but we
do need to be kept aware as to changes or updates made throughout the year. Please contact the Director
of Transportation with any changes or updates in transportation made between you and your district.
Keep in mind that if your student was residential / transported daily last school year, they must remain
the same, until/unless an ARC meeting is held to change it.
Also, please keep in mind if/when students arrive to school late: after 9:00 am EST, breakfast will not
be available for the student. Students arriving to school after 1:00 pm EST, lunch will not be available.
Please make sure your students are fed prior to bringing them to school after these times.
We are looking forward to welcoming KSD students and families back for another great school year!
Should you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Rick Westerfield
Director of Transportation/Operations